My Policies
Policies and Procedures
Fees Policy
Hourly Rate:
My fees are £6 per hour.
Fees are to be paid weekly or monthly in advance. All fees are charged to the next nearest half hour, e.g. if you require care for 5 hours and 10 minutes, your fees would be charged at 5 hours and 30 minutes.
Retainer Fee:
A Retainer Fee is used for parents who work shifts and require varying care days.
The Retainer Fee is half of my hourly rate.
Booking Fee:
A Booking Fee may be charged to confirm your child's place in my childminding service, should your child not start immediately. This can begin within 3 months before starting date, no earlier.
Late Payments of Fees:
I work as a childminder because it is a career I enjoy, however this is my income and like you, I have bills and expenses to pay and a family to support. Therefore, please ensure prompt payment of fees. If I have not received payment on the agreed due date, I will issue a gentle reminder. If I still have not received payment thereafter, I may implement a late fees charge of £6 per day, per child until the fees are paid in full.
I reserve the right to cease minding your child until I receive payment.
Illness (me): No fees apply
Illness (mindee): Full fees apply
Holidays/Occasional days off (Me): No fees apply
Holidays/Occasional days off (mindee): Full fees apply
Hours of business:
Tuesday to Thursday, 8am - 4:30pm
Drop-offs must be before 10am for safeguarding and disruption prevention purposes.
Settling-In Policy
After initial communications with the parent I would arrange for:
An introductory meeting, to discuss your requirements and expectations and to show you around my home.
Offer of further information with more specific details relating to the families needs and supplying the parent with a copy of my policies and procedures documentation.
Allow time for family and myself to consider possibility of the child being placed in my care.
If applicable agree and complete relevant documentation including contact details and parental permission forms.
I provide a 4 week trial period under a temporary contract; this is to ensure all parties are happy with the arrangements.
Agree a start date and timescale “settling in period”.
Arrange for any other documentation to be completed and signed and copies to be given to the parent.
Settling In Procedure:
Once you have made your decision, I find that a “Settling In” period works best for children to be introduced to the childcare setting gradually.
I make it my priority to ensure that children feel happy and safe in my home. To help them settle in, I will:
Encourage parents to visit without their child. This allows you to spend time getting to know me and my family, and ask questions about my setting and services I offer.
Encourage parents to visit with their child one or two times prior to the child being placed in my care.
Allow the child to stay for several short periods without a parent, steadily increasing the duration each time.
Allow parents to telephone or text me during the day if they have any concerns.
Due to new Infection Prevention and control regulations comfort toys are restricted for the time being. Music, games, and toys provided will be used to help comfort any children in distress where needed.
Ask parents to give me as much information as possible about their child's likes and dislikes; as well as any fears and areas of distress.
Encourage other children to be welcoming and supportive to any new child. This will be done through talking and activities that promote team work, and taking turns.
Personal Plans
I will be keeping personal plans for each child in my care and will be kept safe and in confidentiality. A child’s personal plans record will be available to the parent of the child for review.
Personal Plans will include the Child’s:
Parent’s details and contact numbers
Doctor and Health Visitor contact address and phone numbers
Any other health issues
Covid-19 procedure preferences
Personal Plans will also include a Child’s likes and dislikes, routines, any significant changes in behaviour/development, and food preferences. Personal Achievements such as progress in motor skills, acts of kindness, achieving learning developments will be recorded and the action of praise/encouragement taken in the child’s Personal Plan. Any significant dialogue exchanged with the parents will be recorded in the child’s Personal Plan.
Personal Plans will be reviewed:
If asked by the parent
Significant changes have occurred to the child’s health, safety, or care needs
Every 6 months
Anytime a child’s Personal Plan has been reviewed by the parent or myself, the parent will be informed. The viewing date and reviewed by will be signed and recorded.
Behaviour Management
Rewarding Good Behaviour
To help create and sustain a positive, fun and playful environment I will always reinforce good behaviour from every child while under my care. Praising and celebrating the child who demonstrates good behaviour or giving that child first choice for the next activity as a reward are examples of the ways I aim to reward the child.
Managing Difficult Behaviour
All regulated possible steps will be taken to help a child who is misbehaving to correct their behaviour, by discouraging, modelling, and demonstrating what is acceptable instead. In the unlikely event this is unsuccessful the Parent will be contacted to discuss any outstanding issues and how to best proceed as a team.
Child Protection
The safety and protection of the children in my care is the highest priority. If a Child is suspected of suffering emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect, I will seek advice from the Child Protection Agency and my Local Council Authority. If I have reason to believe that a Child is being mistreated it will be reported to local authorities and any records pertaining to the affected Child are legally required to be shared. The health and well-being of each individual child is of paramount importance.
The safety and protection of the children in my care is the highest priority. If a Child is suspected of suffering emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect, I will seek advice from the Child Protection Agency and my Local Council Authority. If I have reason to believe that a Child is being mistreated it will be reported to local authorities and any records pertaining to the affected Child are legally required to be shared. The health and well-being of each individual child is of paramount importance.
Children’s Services East Lothian Council
Mon to Thurs 9am to 5pm and Fri 9am to 4pm
John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington, EH41 3HA
For any concerns you have for a child, please contact by phone or website.
Telephone: 01875 824309
Parentline Scotland
Infection Prevention and Control
I aim to create the safest environment possible for the children in my care, when a child joins my care the parent will be asked to provide details of any health issues the child is either at risk of, suffering, or is currently suffering. Details of each child’s medical conditions will be recorded in the child’s Care Record. If a Child comes into contact with a child suffering an infectious disease while in my care the parent will be immediately informed.
If your child has had fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, or certain undiagnosed rashes, they will not be welcomed until 48 hours after the last sign of infection.
Any child in my care showing signs of infection including fever, vomiting, and or diarrhoea or any other signs will be kept separate from the other children in my care and parents/guardian will be contacted and expected to retrieve their child from my setting as soon as possible. Your child will not be welcomed back until after 48 hours.
In the event me or my household have fevers, vomiting, or diarrhoea or any other signs of infections I will be closed for a 48 hour period.
Please note: this may result in sudden immediate unannounced notice of closure for the duration of these illness symptoms for as long as they persist.
As of January 2023, in order to remain operational and prevent spread of infections especially to vulnerable groups, any child with weeping eyes, yellow/green runny nose, sore throat/swollen glands, wheezing or shortness of breath, frequent coughing, undiagnosed rashes, persistent itching, uncovered sores, lethargy, or unable to join in typical daily activities without medication should be kept home. If your child shows any of these signs upon drop off or while in my care, they will be sent home. Your child will be welcomed back once clear of these signs and fit enough to join in daily activities. I reserve the right to refuse children with other infectious ailments (such as HFM, head lice, conjunctivitis, etc.)
Please remain aware my own family members, children in my care, and or their members of family may have or may suddenly develop immune vulnerabilities at any time in life.
Enhanced Cleaning is practiced regularly and recorded daily.
Enhanced Cleaning practices
Enhanced hygiene
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Medication Management
Administration of Medication
I will only administer medication of any kind to a child under my care and the express request and only with written consent of that Child’s parent. First Aid will be provided for minor ailments with the consent of the Parent.
Consent to Treatment
Written consent must consist of a letter from the parent signed & dated and will be stored in the child personal file within the premises. Consent to treat minor ailments will be sought before the Child is taken into my care. Consent to administer other medications must additionally be provided as a separate consent form.
Storage of Medication
When not being administered medication will be stored in a safe and secure location within a locked cupboard or cabinet out of the reach of Children. If expressly requested I will store medication overnight. Expired medication will be disposed of immediately in a safe hazard waste bin out of reach of the children.
Record keeping
Each time I administer any mediation to a child under my care it will record:
The medication administered
The date and time of administration
The dosage administered and the next time it can be safely administered
Type of medicine
In each child’s Care Record. A copy of this documents will always be provided to the parent when the Child is collected. I will additionally maintain records of all medication received, returned to the parent or disposed of.
Fever Management
Fever is defined as having a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius. I will not keep Children currently suffering from a fever. If a Child develops a fever while under my care, the parent will be informed and all appropriate additional care, such as keeping the Child hydrated and cool, will be provided for the Child until he/she is collected. Urgent medical advice will be sought if the Child is
Under 3 months of age and has a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher
Between 3-6 months of age & has a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius or higher
Over 6 months and shows other symptoms of being unwell
Minor Ailments
I will treat minor ailments and injuries, such as cuts and bruises, burns and stings with appropriate care and medication in accordance with the Parents’ wishes.
Children taking medication themselves
Child under my care will not be permitted to take any medication themselves.
Off-site administration of medication
When out of the premises, e.g. the local park, any required medication will be carried in a child-proof container and a standard first aid kit will also be brought. Documentation of when the medication was taken will occur as defined above.
Sun protection
I will provide sun protection cream, however the parents’ consent must be provided before it will be used. If the parent is not satisfied with the provided protection they must provide me with an alternative and provide consent to use it.
Staff Training
I do not currently employ any staff, I maintain an active First Aid & CPR certification.
I aim to provide the best care possible for children, if an issue occurs the Parent should contact me to arrange a time to discuss their complaint. All complaints and the outcomes of any meetings held to discuss a complaint must and will be recorded and a copy of the documents will be provided to the Parent. In the unlikely event that the issue cannot be resolved between the parent and myself, the parent can contact the Child Care Inspectorate at: 0345 600 9527
In order to keep the children and myself safe I have developed the following procedure to evacuate my home in the event of an emergency.
This may be as a result of a fire, flooding, gas leak etc.
The children will regularly practice the evacuation procedure with me so they will not be alarmed in the event of the situation being real. Practices will be carried out on different days of the week to ensure all children practice and the details recorded in the evacuation log.
Sound the alarm (a whistle)
Evacuate the children using the safest and nearest exit available (Babies and toddlers will be carried to safety)
Take: Attendance Record for the day, Contact numbers, Mobile phone
Assemble across the road from the house (on the grassy centre between the home developments)
Contact the emergency services
Comfort and reassure the children
Arrange safe place for the children to stay until parents can collect them
Follow the instructions of the Emergency Services
Do not return to the building until the Emergency Services have declared it safe to do so.
Holiday Policy
My childminding setting will be closed for 5 weeks of the year.
I will provide one month’s notice for any planned holidays/time off
No charges will be given during setting holiday closure
Parents Holiday
When parents go on holiday I will need two weeks’ notice
I will charge full fees to hold your child’s place open during absence
My setting will be closed in the event of a bank holiday a full fee however will still be charged if the day falls on a contracted day. If necessary I would accept your child on a bank holiday, however I would charge double time for this service.
As part of being a childminder, occasionally there are training days to attend. Most usually occur in the evenings or weekends, however some may occur during the day in which I will need to close my setting to attend the training session. If this does occur I will give plenty of notice and will not charge for those days.
If for any other reason I have to close my setting there will be no charge for the period that I am closed, and I shall aim to give as much notice as possible for such occasions.
Pet Policy
I have 2 cats, they roam indoors and outdoors. They are fully vaccinated.
There is a separate room and area for cats
Water and food will be kept out of reach
Encourage children to wash hands after handling
Ensure children are always supervised
Ensure no accessible area indoors or outdoors has been soiled by cats
Teach children how to treat the cats with respect and how to handle
Potty Training Policy
Toilet training is seen as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with full support and non-judgemental concern.
No child will be potty trained until fully settled and secure within my setting.
Potty training will not be introduced at my setting until it is fully established at home and the child is using the potty/toilet confidently.
Children will be encouraged not forced.
Initially your child will slowly be encouraged to use the toilet/potty at home. If your child successfully uses the toilet on a regular basis and is beginning to understand when they feel they need to go, only then will parents request potty training to begin at my setting.
During the transitional period, it is paramount that each child’s self - esteem and confidence remains high.
Children training will be gently encouraged to sit on the toilet/potty every time they are changed.
Once they are ready, children will transfer from nappies to underwear (or pull-ups if necessary) and escorted to the toilet regularly.
I will ask you to ensure there is always 5 full sets of spare, labelled clothes in your child’s bag in case your child needs to be changed on more than one occasion. (Shirts, trousers, underwear, socks, etc)
Parents will be asked to dress their children in sensible clothing, easy to take on and off independently, no dungarees, belts or tricky buttons.
Children will be reminded to go to the toilet every 20-30 minutes.
Accidents will be dealt with sensitively, although children will b encouraged to undress and redress themselves, I will be there to offer support and offer reassurance.
If your child is in underwear and has persistent accidents (3 or more) in one day, I will put a pull-up or nappy back on them to save further upset, anxiety, and stress for your child.
If persistent accidents continue, I will advise that you may need t delay potty training for a short while and resume at a later date.
I will always give positive praise and encouragement after each visit to the toilet, as well as remain gentle and supportive after any accident. Reward charts may also be used if requested/needed.